Thursday, November 5, 2009

She's the man

At work today, yes I came back. Surprisingly, it looks like the destroyer will be back tomorrow. It is amazing that the staff of the home will let that happen. Ah well, I will quit if needed. Hopefully they will get this place together. I brought "She's the Man" for the house today. Everybody loves a light-trans film! The kids seem to like it ok, and I really only bought t because I like the way Amanda Bynes looks in drag, so I am glad it is getting some use.

Watching this, it makes me giggle because I remember when A first moved in with me how surprised I was by how much he asked, "Do I look boyish enough in this."I always thought that confidence would come built in, but even today that confidence can easily waver. A just got a new packy. For those non-trans or trans-spouses, a packy is the prostetic that ftm transmen wear in their pants. He has had the 3.5 inch for a while, but they start to go bad after a while. I told him he needed to upgrade to a 5.5 because if he was born with a penis it would be a "show-er and a grow-er." This involved him getting a new jockstrap to wear it in. The cup was too small on the new jockstrap so we had to use an old soft cup and sew it in. He managed to tear a peice off my sewing machine, but he did fix it and all was well. The newly fashioned jock strap prompted a fashion show under several pairs of pants and shorts, then a discussion of what side it should lay to and how it should sit to look most realistic.

So when I started dating boys I never thought I would have in depth conversations about chest contours and penises hanging, but then again I nver thought I would have the amazing kind of relationship that I do. So I guess it works out.

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