Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it already Tuesday?

Today's schedule: Work 12:00-2:30, then lunch with KV til 4:30, class 5-8:30, and then another 1.5 hours with KV at the house. It was a really good day. As you can tell from the schedule above, KV and I's friendship has turned out to be something pretty cool. I have a feeling she is going to become a really good friend. Oh, and she inspired me to write a new short story! Speaking of stories, I have been thinking of telling the story of the first time A and I went to a bar.

When M (now A) and I were in college together there was a local bar that housed a lot of the big parties and a good time on weekends. After M and our favorite gay boy turned 18, we decided to make our way to the social crowd. M and my roomie had just started dating and both of them, the third high school boyfriend, me and the fabulous and favorite gay all went out. M bought drinks, I remember thinking how cool it was to have a girl in a man's vest buy drinks for us. I felt like the coolest kid in the bar. We drank all night and danced. Then in the middle of the dance floor M kissed my roomie, a hard forceful kiss. I remember feeling incredibly jealous. I thought it was about attention then, but I realize now it was because I had already started to love M. I still remember what that kiss looked like from where I stood and how some part of me wanted to be on the other side of that kiss.

A and I had a great weekend too. It was sweet, we spent Saturday and Sunday night with our amazing band of lesbians. Though I still feel too old to play beer pong, it is a really fun time. A really likes hanging out with them, and I know he missed out on a lot of that college fun to go and transition

I couldn't post yesterday because I was writing a paper for my last class of my masters! It is a very exciting time to be in my life! A is finishing his bachelors this semester, and is applying for grad school. Hopefully he will get in and we will move away to an exciting new place!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Oh what a week. If I haven't mentioned it yet, A is an epileptic. He usually has some symptoms that are a red flag that it coming and he has had some this week. he usually becomes agitated, off-balance, and can't connect ideas as well as usual. All of those symptoms have been present this week so i am both nervous and exhusted from handling his light verbal assaults. My hope is that this newest medicine will ward off the actual occurrance of the seizure and only leave the pre-symptoms. This makes me think of writing about the medical issues A has faced over the time that we have been together. It has been quite the journey.

When A and I first got together it had been over 5 years since he had recieved a pap smear. As those familiar with the FTM community may know, the willingness of both the FTM and the sensitivity of the gynocologist can create quite the rift between FTMs and reproductive health. We were very lucky to find a wonderful nurse practitioner at a local clinic who scheduled us together, only called me back, and who was sensitive to A when actually completing the pap smear.

When A had his first seizure ( about 6 months after we started dating) we were in the admissions office of the hospital. The lady admitting him asked about his medications, when he said he was on T (testosterone) she asked why. A brief description later we were ushered to a room where we sat for six hours before someone helped us and his insurance information had to be phoned in later because she refused to talk to us further. It took me threatening to sue before a doctor came into help us and we were told that his testosterone was probably causing his seizures.

After his GP seconded that notion we took him off of testosterone from 9 months (when of course he had a seizure anyway) before we called a trans specialist who told us that was absolutely not true. Nine months of periods for A is a living hell. Before this I never had a problem with doctors. Now I would rather walk hot coals then go to one with A.

A doctor once told us we couldn't expect to be treated with dignity, because we were in the bible belt. An endocrinologist refused to do a physical exam because "He couldn't know what he would find down there". That doctor billed us for a 200 dollar visit. The medical community should be the first to embrace diversity because lives depend on it.

Off my soap box, this week has been trying. I love A and hate when he "disappears" for periods of time. It is lonely and disheartening. My new friend is not panning out much either so double lonely this week. Boo. It's Friday, so hopefully the weekend will prove to be better for little ole me.

Happy Friday all!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Long time no see

So it has been a week since I last posted. My sister came up last weekend and took most of my time. Then I had a few days off of work, so I spent my time going out with the lesbians I have lost contact with over the months I have been working two jobs. To catch you up last Saturday I met a girl. I am going to call her KV here. It may seem like, having a beautiful FTM husband may impede upon my ability or desire to meet women. To the contrary, I love women and sexual tention with women, so I love to flirt with and then befriend beautiful women. KV showed up at a friend's house who was hosting a college football party. When she came in I didn't think much of her, but her wit and sacastic nature quickly drew me in. By the end of the night I gave her my facebook and the next days we were texting constantly. I adore her, and as often happens in my lesbian female friendships, it is a total recreation of the sexually tense friendship A and I shared when he was M. I think A finds this amusing, maybe irritating when I pay someone more attention then him. I think he realizes, however, that it is the sincerest form of flattery.

To explain the next part of this story you must understand that A and I have had ske problems in the bedroom. Namely, him dealing with some past abuse has made it difficult for him to happly engage in sexual acts. Thought this means his therapy is going great, it makes for a very sad me. I am an incredibly sexual person, and am used to being in relationships with biological males, who will never turn you down. This has been really bothersome for me. It hurts my feelngs and makes me feel disconnected from him. It also makes me grumpy and horny so KV was a welcome distraction. A seemed a little disgruntled when I was texting her in front of him, which is unusual for him, but I was finding great joy in her and our connection has been strained from lack of sex.

We have discussed taking on a partner for me when things are like this for him. I can't bring myself to do it because all I really want is him. Every girl I lust after is because she reminds me of M. I am drawn to women who evoke some memory of that friendship, whether physical or emotional. I can't imagine making one of them a lover, because it would be a mere shadow of what I have with him.

So after A and I discussed our romantic troubles yesterday we both felt a lot better. We then met the ladies, including KV at a local bar for drinks. KV and I were inseperable, giggling and talking all night. I don't think that I am her physical type, but we really click mentally. Again and again we came together, drinking and gushing. Then she dropped the bomb, she brought up that she had been sexually abused and we talked about her possibly getting some therapy to help her process it. She was pretty drunk when she spilled it, and later on she seemed bothered she had brought it up. She slept at our house, on the couch of course, and left before I woke up this morning. She left me a message on facebook but not too many texts today. I am betting she is embarrassed about sharing her abuse story. *sigh* so now I am down one pleasant mild-obsession and I still have a husband who is sexually stagnant at the moment.

I know, not a great way to end a post, but not all days are perfect between us. We struggle and fight with the best of them. I can't wait until we can get back to our normal though, I miss both my friend and lover. Besides, when we are solid I could care less if I lose some friend over a drunkly spilled secret.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

She's the man

At work today, yes I came back. Surprisingly, it looks like the destroyer will be back tomorrow. It is amazing that the staff of the home will let that happen. Ah well, I will quit if needed. Hopefully they will get this place together. I brought "She's the Man" for the house today. Everybody loves a light-trans film! The kids seem to like it ok, and I really only bought t because I like the way Amanda Bynes looks in drag, so I am glad it is getting some use.

Watching this, it makes me giggle because I remember when A first moved in with me how surprised I was by how much he asked, "Do I look boyish enough in this."I always thought that confidence would come built in, but even today that confidence can easily waver. A just got a new packy. For those non-trans or trans-spouses, a packy is the prostetic that ftm transmen wear in their pants. He has had the 3.5 inch for a while, but they start to go bad after a while. I told him he needed to upgrade to a 5.5 because if he was born with a penis it would be a "show-er and a grow-er." This involved him getting a new jockstrap to wear it in. The cup was too small on the new jockstrap so we had to use an old soft cup and sew it in. He managed to tear a peice off my sewing machine, but he did fix it and all was well. The newly fashioned jock strap prompted a fashion show under several pairs of pants and shorts, then a discussion of what side it should lay to and how it should sit to look most realistic.

So when I started dating boys I never thought I would have in depth conversations about chest contours and penises hanging, but then again I nver thought I would have the amazing kind of relationship that I do. So I guess it works out.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh oh oy

What a day! One of my kids at work went loopy and broke most of the windows out at the house. Fittingly, I brought "The World Trade Center" to watch today. The kid also smashed or beat every car in the parking lot, except for mine. I guess bringing a movie every day and all those hours of Tony Hawk paid off. Really I think I just got lucky.

I have been lucky a lot in my life. Blessed, lucky, touched by angels. I was lucky enough to find M and then again as A. I got into a car accident when I was 17. To be more precise, I flipped my car through a telephone pole. I was hanging upside down in the car from my seat belt when the spinning stop, the slow motion spinning. I never believe in slow motion before that car accident, but it really slowed down. I thought about 1000 thoughts before I hit that pole, like "I hope I don't hit that pole" and "woah this is slow." I know, brilliant thoughts right?

I was hanging upside down and banging on the roof, because I was stuck in the seat belt. It was one of those that came on automatically, and I wasn't used to driving it because I was only borrowing the car from my grandmother. Therefore, I didn't know that there was a release button. I called my mom first, to tell her I had a chemistry test and would need to be picked up because I got in a wreck. Funny, I was just worried about the chemistry test at that moment. I was in the middle of telling her "Ma, just pick me up I can't miss this test," when I realized the car was on fire. I was banging on the roof, and could barely see the top of the ditch where people had gathered. A kind firefighter crawled in on his stomach and cut me down. He pulled me through the broken glass, and informed me he would normally need the jaws of life but this was an emergency. I thought the emergency was the fire until I got out of the car and realized that a live power line was draped a foot above my car. I climbed the steep ditch, thanking the firefighter who had crawled though that hatchback that I complained about everyday I drove that car. It was the only door not stuck.

I looked down at the poor crunched car and thought that the only part not smashed held me. The EMTs were there then, asking me to put on my neck brace and connecting me to the blue board that would lift me onto a stretcher. My mom ran by then, frantic and searching. I have never known that she loved me more than I knew in that moment. She was so happy when she saw me. Proud even, like I had done some great talented escape, when it wasn't me at all. It was that kind firefighter and something bigger than me. My boyfriend (the third high school one) came then. He ran a mile from where they stopped traffic. I will always love him for that. I knocked out the power to my whole town. Everyone got the day off from school. I got a a B on that chemistry test and I lived.

I lived to attend college, to meet A, to stand at the back of an aisle and walk towards him in a white dress. So I am very lucky, very blessed, and well watched over by whatever is up there in the sky.... And today my car windows didn't get busted.

Oh oh oy

Monday, November 2, 2009

Super Monday

Ah today. It was a long day at both jobs and I am going on 15 hours between the two jobs. Whew! I cannot wait to see the new Sandra Bullock movie "The Blind Side". It is this movie about a family who takes in this poor kid off the street and he becomes an awesome football player. I pretty much love all of Sandra Bullocks dramas ( I can live without Miss Congeniality and the like). I actually cried watching this preview. I also really like stories like this. It reminds me of my family with A. They just love him unconditionally, which is more than I can say for his own family.

When I told my parents about A I didn't really expect for them to be surprised. When I was five my mom explained to me what gay was. I was laying down to sleep and my mom came into my room and sat beside my bed. "We are going to see your godfather tomorrow and I want you to know that he is gay."

"What's gay?" I asked.

"Well, you know how some boys and girls hold hands? Some people like to hold hands with other boys or other girls and we call them gay. It isn't bad, it's different and interesting." she replied. I asked whether I was gay and she said we wouldn't know until I was older but it didn't matter she would love me just the same either way.

I was really only concerned at the time abou whether or not I could call my godfather's partner "aunt G" since I called him "uncle R". It was a beautiful way to explain a sensitive concept to a child. She was right, gay was interesting, and since then I have been interested in everything gay I could get my hands on.

So the day that I decided to tell my mom and her then husband (he passed away last year) about A I didn't expect to be rejected. I expected, instead, to win the shock contest I had been having with my mother for years. Take, for example, when inwas 15 I told her I loved to give blow jobs, and she said "your dad always said you would be just like me.". Total punch in the gut, I thought she would be upset and she totally blew me off. In college I called to tell her I had a foursome, she laughed and said "only 4?"

So this moment would be the ultimate shock. "Mom," I said, "remember that lesbian M I always talked about in college? The one who got me into that But I'm a Cheerleader movie"

"Yes," she replied, as she pour margaritas.

"Well that lesbian is A" I said proudly.

"That's nice," she said and she walked out carrying the drinks. My shocking plan didn't work out, but later on she asked if she could tell my step dad. I said yes and she did. He called A brave and we got big hugs. Most parents wouldn't easily support my choice to marry a transgendered epileptic college student with mood issues. My family sees A for the amazing individual he is and is proud of my life decisions.

So Sandra Bullock dramas make me cry, because they exposed the beautiful intertwined relationships that come with acceptance and unconditional love. I am lucky enough to be blessed with that everyday.

Much love to you, unconditional and all

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Weekend

I missed two days of blogging this weekend. If only each day of the weekend could be longer, oh wait, today is hour longer. Hello fall back. Friday work paid us to bring the kids in the residential home to the fair with their families. That was an experience. The child I was assigned to had never been to the fair before, so he was both terrified and mesmerized by everything we saw. It is unfortunate that being a young teenager doesn't allow for him to be more comfortable in his own skin. He was so worried about being a man that he didn't want to go on anything that might scare him. The best part of this evening is the fact that A got to walk around with us. Getting paid to hang out with my husband and a cool teenager on his first trip to the fair, not bad.

Yesterday was Halloween, and A and I dressed as victims of Universal Health care. We entered a contest at a local bar in hopes of landing the 500 dollar cash prize. We did not win, instead everyone with tits who agreed to blow the judges won. Somehow this seems similar to other elections I know of. Regardless, we drank free so all around it was a successful night.

This morning I work up with A's nipple in my face. This made me think about the fact that freshman year of college, when he was still M, his nipple was the first female nipple I ever had in my mouth. This is actually the first memory that I have where I can actually clearly remember him. I actually have a terrible episodic memory, so this isn't saying much. We were on the floor of my dorm room with my roommate, my roommate's gay best friend, my high-school boyfriend (who was still around at this point) and this crazy girl who was only hanging out with us so she could sex M. Thank god they did not have sex and crazy girl didn't stay around long, as she married the son of one of our professors, moved away, later divorced, and now she sells Tupperware and Mary Kay online. So my roommate had purchased these sex dice and we were playing with them. At some point in the game I spun and it landed on M and I was asked to lick her nipple. I did and I think she (he) was amazing at my skills, as now we are married. Short story, but vital to the development of M and I's friendship which later became A and I's relationship.

I think we are going to go walking so I better jump off.

Happy fall back Sunday!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cool Thursday

Don't you just love when a day just works out? I got up expecting to have to do some seriously difficult work at work and it ended up just working itself out. I guess that is a good lesson on not being concerned about something until it gets here. In other news, Halloween is nearing and I am looking to win a 1000 prize. Therefore I need a great costume idea. I have been toying around with some universal healthcare ideas, but nothing will top A and I's costume three years ago. Before it was popular to go as Dangle from Reno 911 A and I took old military khakis and turned then in Clemmy an Dangle outfits that rocked everyone's socks. A has amazing lady legs, so I think most of the men were questioning their sexuality. One guy kept telling him "Your grapes are gonna fall out of those tiny shorts!" as he stared. It is hilarious. That is one of the many benefits of having a husband who used to be a lady, he can work an awesome costume with some tiny shorts.

Work tonight was especially loud. I work at a residential home for developmental disabilities and every body was up up up today. I also had several cranky clients tonight. Ah such is life. A is worth every second of work I put into this second job. Someday when he has graduated and become a great success I will eat Bon Bons and not work.

Good night all

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Good lunch

I stole away from my busy day two have lunch with A. I am currently working to jobs to help support A through the last weeks of his degree. I wanted him to have less stress and more time for school, but it makes for a very busy C. A has been seeing a therapist to deal with some past abuse issues, and I have been trying to make time or him after he sees his therapist, because therapy so often makes you feel raw. We met at a Chik Fil A, because nothing makes you feel better than that delicious crack/ chicken and I like to see how many times I can get them to say "it's my pleasure". Leave it to me to get loudest employee of the bunch, who managed to mess up three different things in the order. No mam, I will not take non-caffeine diet coke, but I will probably strike you

So A has been doing a lot better. We stopped talking to his crazy mother a few months ago and SURPRISE he is a lot less stressed. He is seriously the sweetest man I have ever known in my life, and I will never know how he survived her. I have been trying to eat with more awareness of what I am putting in my mouth (I know... Chick Fil A is not the place to start.) so I cut everything up into tiny pieces and ate it slowly with a fork. Oddly it worked, as it took me a lot longer and I only ate about 3/4ths of what I normally eat. He talked to me about his therapy, about his unaddressed feelings that were spilling over now in the wake of our departure from her. He has just recently started on testosterone again, as we can afford it again, so he is less weepy now.

If you know A you know he was never meant to be a female. He seriously was the most moody emotional female I ever met. I have seen that side of him every time he is not on T, which is thankfully is not very often. The doctor he went to to be put on T actually thought he had already been living as a male. That is, perhaps, why I was so attracted to him. He is the perfect blend of male and female. I like to think we were made for eachother, I like both, he is both.

So lunch was nice. I think he felt like I was listening to his feelings, a weakness of mine, and we got to spend precious time together. Most importantly, I refrained from slapping the lady who tried to give me a no-caffeine Diet Coke. Now back to job number 2. Seven weeks before I can do one job again right. Seven weeks.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Call me C, see my truth

Have you ever noticed that everyone you know has a different view of who you are?

I have. It seems like each person in my life as a version of my life that they know as true. My grandmother knows a very different person than my ex-boyfriend does, I can assure you that. Even different friends have individual understanding of who I am. Every one can probably agree that I am loud, love to talk, and love my husband; but the rest is all variable depending on who you talk to. Some people think I am a lesbian, some people think my husband was born male, and not many people know the whole truth of who we are. In considering this, and juggling these truths, I have decided to keep a record of the events in my life that have brought me to this point. This way, I will have a place to keep my personal truth. Not that I am one to follow through with activities that I start, but we'll see.

Hm, so the beginning. I dated boys my whole life, I mean my whole life. I had 3 long term boyfriends before I graduated high school. This might not be the expected past of a person who is currently married to a pre-operative transgender, but it's the truth. I had a great time with all three of those lovely boys, the third one I actually slept with and took along to college with me.

College, definitely the beginning for me. I don't know that I have more than 30 memories prior to college. (That sounds backwards doesn't it, because college=alcohol=less memories) I went in looking for memories, good friends, and an education that would get me out of the small town I came from. It was a small college where everyone knew each other, and everyone was that beautiful kind of unique that makes the world a really neat place. I fully plan to do some retro-entries on all the fun I had there, but in the mean time I will discuss why this blog is titled "The epic journey of an FTM spouse". Enter M, who became A later. My roommate, leave it to me to find one of the two lesbians on campus to room with, was the ultimate in shut-ins. It was as if she had a machine to breathe for her, and that machine was the program AIM. She typed and typed to her ex, who went to an all-women's college to get away from her. Seeing the pointlessness of this, I set her up with the one other lesbian on campus M.

It seemed like a great idea, I mean, they were the only two lesbians available, and M had become my really good friend. She helped me scope out my new male-friend (the later trade-in for the 3rd high school one) and we spent hours a night psychoanalyzing the people in our freshman class. If M dated my roommate I could spend time with her and she would have someone to have sex with. She was pretty lonely in those days. Though I fully plan on coming back to this night to elaborate later, fast forward to us being out at a bar. M is buying us drinks and shots. We have Q, the roommates lifetime gay friend., who was quickly becoming my favorite gay of all time. I had brought along the high-school boyfriend, who was clinging to me like the octopus he was until we broke up approximately three months later. M and the roommate are on their first date. I am coordinating this, dancing in the crowd. Then they kissed (by the way it was the first lesbian kiss I had seen). For a split second I wanted to be the one recieving that kiss. At the time I was aware that I could date either a man or a woman, and was comfortable with that knowledge. I had never, however, had the yearning for a female. I chalked it up to my love of attention, thinking I probably just wanted to be the one everyone in the crowd was yelling for. It is, however, more important in hindsight (20/20 you know).

Fastforward again to the end of the first semester, different bar same people (subtract the 3rd high-school boyfriend, add J the male-friend who was now my boyfriend). I was taking bodyshots off some topless girl on the bar and I got called outside. I heard someone yell they were taking make-out pictures. After three make-out pictures someone suggested I kiss M. She had just taken one with flaming boy L, so I figure I am a much better option for her. I looked at her, all vulnerable and totally into the idea, and she said that we should fake it instead. Using her thumb she dipped me back and used her thumb to keep our lips from touching. I was super upset, insulted by the idea that she would rather kiss flaming L than me, but the bottom bit of her lip slipped over her thumb and it sent chills down my spine. Like I often did when I dealt with emotions that I didn't like, I went right to inappropriate and J and I took body shot girl home to my dorm with us. Ah, but the rest is for another day.

Two years later I was saying goodbye to her. Wishing her well and telling her how proud I was that she decided to transition. I told her to call me. She didn't.

I did however get a message from, now A, two years post-goodbye, and a few months before I was set to graduate. It was through Myspace, the it-website of 2006. I didn't know who is was, but the message read that he loved me and missed me. When I figured out it was M-now-A I wrote back with my phone number. When he called I looked at the number I didn't know and knew that I was going to marry him.

Whew... so now we have arrived. We were married in 2008 and have been living together since a few months after that Myspace message. I want to start a blog to tell about all the neat things that we do and are. I want a way to look back and remember all the experiences we have shared. I also want to reach out to other trans-spouses, because when I looked for literature and online support I didn't find much.

So if you like what you see read on, if not peace out. I am not interested in peoples' judgement, but I am interested in unique perspectives. I wish everyone the happiness I have found.